DearShare Privacy Policy

Effective Date: August 1, 2022Welcome to DearShare!DearShare is a platform where subscribers can support and engage with creators. This updated Privacy Policy applies to subscribers, creators, and all users of our platform, and is part of our Terms of Use.By using our platform, you agree that your personal information that you provide directly to us, or that we collect through your use of the platform, may be transferred to and stored and handled as described in this Policy.Information You Provide Through Your AccountThis is information that you provide to us, such as your name, payment information and benefits. The information we collect if you make an account. You may sign up using a Facebook or Google account. We will ask permission to access basic information from your Facebook or Google account, such as your name, email, and profile picture. You can choose to stop sharing that information with us at any time by going to Facebook or Google to remove DearShare access to that account and your ability to log in.You also have the option to add more information to your public profile, such as a gender, date of birth, and an about section, which we store along with any comments or messages you submit on DearShare.SubscribersA subscriber is someone who joins DearShare's membership platform to support a creator's membership content. As a subscriber you must provide your payment information to our payment processors. You can see the privacy policy for these payment processors on Stripe, and Checkout sites. At this time, DearShare does not receive your full card number. Payment processors provide us with a token that represents your account, your card’s expiration date, card type and the last four digits of your card number. If you are required to provide your name and email address to the payment processor, then they also provide us with that information.We collect and process information about the creators you support, the level at which you support them, what benefits you receive in monthly basis. As a subscriber, if you select a benefit tier with a physical benefit, then you may directly contact with creator, so the creator can ship you the benefit, or provide updates related to the shipment.CreatorsA creator is someone who creates and provides content for their subscribers through DearShare's membership platform. To become a creator, you must create a page that describes what you are creating and any benefits you are offering. To receive payouts you have to create an account with one of our payment partners: PayPal or Payoneer. We may also require your bank account information to proceed payouts.Information Collected by Third PartiesCookiesWe use Cookies on our website that collect information to allow us and third parties to understand your use of DearShare.Social Media Features and WidgetsWe use social media features, including the Facebook Like button and widgets, such as the Share button or similar interactive mini-programs that run on DearShare. If you provide your social media information to us, we may use it to interact with you on these social networks. These features may collect your IP address and other personal data including which page you are visiting on our site and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social media features and widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on DearShare. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it. For more information on the technologies used by these social networks, please refer to their specific privacy notices. We have provided links to the most used social networks below for easy reference: Facebook: We Use Your InformationWe process your information to:
  • allow you to sign in to your account
  • allow you to support a creator’s membership program on {{siteName}}
  • process membership payments and payouts
  • send you emails relevant to your usage, as controlled by your email preferences
  • reply to your questions
  • provide to you existing and enhanced services related to your {{siteName}} account
  • promote your {{siteName}} account for greater discoverability
  • understand how you use the service, and create better tools for creators to serve subscribers
  • conduct research and development to improve {{siteName}} and develop future products
  • prevent fraud and abuse on {{siteName}}
  • provide you with reasonable accommodation, if you notify us of a disability
Information We Share with CreatorsBy becoming a subscriber of a creator, you agree to have the following information shared with that creator:
  • your name and email address, and other profile information you’ve provided
  • any messages you send creators through {{siteName}}
  • all information about your pledge, including amount and start date, but not your full payment card information
  • some aggregated and anonymized data about how you use pledge that cannot be linked back to you or to any individual user
Creators agree to the terms of our Data Processing Agreement (DPA) when they start their membership program. This DPA is called the Creator Privacy Promise. The Creator Privacy Promise is a creator’s promise to protect the privacy of their subscribers during and beyond their DearShare relationship.Information We Share with Third PartiesWe never sell your information to third parties. We will only share data with third parties, other than with creators, under the following circumstances:
  • with our service providers, who are companies that are contractually engaged with us to provide us with services, such as order fulfillment, email management, analyzing data trends, credit card processing, increasing our brand awareness and user engagement with marketing initiatives, and fraud detection and prevention. These companies may have access to your data to perform their services, and are obligated by contract to safeguard any of your data they receive from us to the same extent that {{siteName}} protects it.
  • to protect the security or integrity of {{siteName}}, and to protect the rights, property, or safety of {{siteName}}, its employees, users, or others, if we believe that disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation, or other valid legal process (e.g., subpoenas or warrants served on {{siteName}}). If we are going to release your data, we will do our best to provide you promptly with notice by email, unless we are prohibited by law from doing so.
  • in connection with the sale, merger, bankruptcy, sale of assets or reorganization of our company. We will notify you if a different company receives your data. The promises in this privacy policy apply to any data transferred to a new entity.
  • with third party apps used by creators to help run their membership programs. There is a list of apps in our apps directory. While we try to keep this list up to date, we often experiment with new third party app providers, and this list may not be exhaustive.
Information DearShare Collects from Third Party AppsWhen you create a DearShare account, you can elect to connect your social account(s) (e.g. Facebook, Google) with DearShare, and we will collect and store some social information from those platforms, such as:
  • follower or subscriber counts
  • post or upload counts
  • view, like, and comment counts
This social information allows us to provide you a better DearShare experience, and also helps guide future development of DearShare. We use this data to:
  • help creators and subscribers find each other on {{siteName}}
  • assess how to make creators more successful on {{siteName}}
  • analyze and describe our business
Information We Share with the PublicThe following information is publicly accessible:
  • your profile if you add that information
  • any posts or comments you make
  • monthly pledge value and goals that creators choose to make public
  • number of followers, subscribers, followings
Our Data Retention PeriodWe retain your account information for ten years after your account is last active, unless you delete, or you request us to delete, your account. We may continue to retain some information, even after you delete your account if we are required to do so in order to comply with various laws.SecurityThe security of your personal information is important to us and we follow industry standards to protect it.ChangesWe may sometimes make changes to this policy. If we make material changes that adversely affect your rights under this policy, we will let you know by posting an announcement on the site or sending you an email in advance of the changes coming into effect. Continuing to use DearShare after a change to this policy means you accept the new policy. Effective immediately for existing users and users joining DearShare on or after August 1, 2022.Your Preferences and Rights over DataDeleting Your AccountYou may initiate a deletion of your account or personal information directly by sending email to Please be aware that this action is final and cannot be reversed. If you would like to transport your data, please be sure to download your data before you delete your account.